Watchy is an independent stock checker platform that helps to track out of stock products. It was created to address the burden of obsessively checking the status of a product, something that nobody should do - it's boring!

You can follow any item from retailers like Amazon, Argos, Boots, Currys, Habitat and more. If you think there are other retailers we should support, you can send us a message via our feedback form.

General FAQs

I received a back in stock notification, but the item was out of stock when I checked

Our systems send you a notification as soon as they detect an item is available to purchase. However, some highly requested items might only be available for a few minutes before they run out of stock again. Unfortunately, when the demand is high it all comes down to who gets there first.

If you found your product was out of stock when you checked, you can give it another go and resubscribe for notifications for that product.

Do I have to pay anything to use Watchy?

Watchy is totally free for you to use. The retailers we support may reward us with a commission, but this will never mean an extra cost to you.

You are not tracking a shop that I need to buy from

Watchy is constantly adding retailers to its list. If you think we should support a particular shop, feel free to let us know via our feedback form.